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Anxiety disorder and panic disorder

Anxiety disorder and panic disorder

By: Menna Zain 

إقرأ المقال باللغة العربية

Let me give you some insights of how people usually feel in stressful situations…
I heard you inquiring “aren’t they supposed to feel stressed!” only that shallow! Surely, not. It worth it.

Anxiety and panic disorder
Anxiety and panic disorder

Anxiety and panic disorder, what is it?

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⊗ If you take a look around what do you see?
What kind of sentiments do you often receive back when you observe people?
Generally, and specifically explain, please…
= I feel lost among them…
in their expressions and deeds…

⊗ I can still remember that girl under my supervision feeling worried on her first day of work, I still remember how her hands and legs were violently trembling and she was obviously shrinking while spectating her mutual office with the other coworkers.
⊗ I remember seeing a man yesterday walking between crowds, shaking when he’s carrying his suitcase and sweating profusely, bending his head down to the floor and looking angry and nervous.
⊗ Last Christmas eve, I called my sister to invite her and her family on dinner and I coincidentally knew they locked their kid in the basement as part of punishment and he lost his balance and fainted…

⊗ Oh, my friend, Diana, kept complaining about some physical issues and never met a doctor yet, she hates doctors and medicines, her inconvenience hindered her frequently from meeting one.
⊗ Even I can’t handle such troubles in my life, I always feel anxious, numb; not slightly capable to solve my problems at work or anything else… I totally lose control over myself.
⊗ Since my aunt died I was traumatized enough not to go for consolations or funerals… I purposely ignore them, giving random excuses. Not rude tho.

⊗ My little lads are so talkative, smart with high sense of humor, but in public, it’s like a scandal when they initiate a conversation with others, it’s all about their fear of meeting new people, I don’t think it’s necessary to take them both for a psychiatrist, they’ll get used to it, I remember a mate working in another sector greeting me and telling me I have to take them to an expert. I thought this is rude and harsh, although, he tried to help.
⊗ My lovely mom keeps calling till nowadays checking if I ate well or not, and that bothers my wife a lot, I barely recognize my mom’s fear of abandonment, she frequently rejected a lot of brides with good traits due to that, she doesn’t want to dissociate from me or my siblings.
⊗ I watched a kid crying when his father was walking beside him on a high bridge, the company wasn’t even enough to cool down the boy, not one bit.
⊗ Well thanks for the valuable examples, sir… let me try to clarify something here either…

Everyone worries, financial problems, family weakened bonds, and other hard circumstances fairly collapsing a person for a short/ temporary period.
But suffering from a certain matter for a long time can cause you to have (Anxiety disorder) as it should be labelled…
A person with anxiety disorder usually struggle with having daily activities fully accomplished…
Nerve loss
Depression and it’s the most insidious psychological illness, equals cancer, likewise, but physically.

Now we fatally getting bored right?

Be patient, sweetheart,
We still didn’t mention the symptoms, as represented in:

1- Tensed up

2- Sensing a becoming danger (apocalyptic scene)

3- Palpitations

4- Sweating and trembling

5- Sleeping disorders

6- Eating disorders

7- Over dramatic

8- Digestive diseases (ex: people with IBS)

So after I mentioned all the possible symptoms above aren’t you curious about the reasons why a person can have an anxiety disorder?

Can you count with me?
Heart diseases
Thyroid issues; when the thyroxine get extra released, the metabolism process gets higher as well, and it makes a person skinnier due to losing weight, nervous and acting like a hardcore.
Respiratory system troubles such as asthma

So here is an essential question posed:
How can I distinguish between an anxiety disorder and panic disorder?
Simple, panic disorder is sometimes considered as based on the other, panic disorder is more relevant and dangerous…
It can take place in whatever occasion you attend even if it wasn’t sad, a person suffers from panic attacks all in regular packages as zoomed in… can physically move rapidly and unconditionally according to the activity of both hormones “Adrenaline/ noradrenaline” released when you feel danger,
A person with panic disorder can suffer from constant panic attacks happening more than once a day, and not only in traumatic events, anytime and with no terms included.

♦ So how a person having a panic attack suffers?

1- Frightened
2- Anxious about death
3- Palpitations
4- Sweating
5- Violent shakes
6- Shortness of breath
7- Heat
8- Headache and pain in the chest
9- Dizziness or fainting
10- Nausea
11- Numbness
12- Self-isolation

Yes, why?
Genetic, traumatizing events, exhaustion, mood swings, and some spots at the brain are affected negatively hence caused the “serotonin” the hormone and common neurotransmitter to decrease and cause all these previous symptoms I added.
Can you imagine a person diagnosed with both anxiety disorder and panic disorder? Lol, this is me
Hope you enjoyed my article, and could bravely distinguish between a panic disorder and anxiety disorder, aside of the normal amount of worrying.
Stay safe.

هذه هي علامات الأمراض النفسية التي تنبهك لأهمية زيارة الطبيب النفسيهذه هي علامات الأمراض النفسية التي تنبهك لأهمية زيارة الطبيب النفسي

مشاكل الصحة العقلية هي مشكلة حقيقية يمكن أن تؤثر على أي شخص. إذا كنت تعاني من أي من علامات مشاكل الصحة العقلية، فمن المهم طلب المساعدة من أخصائي الصحة العقلية. هناك العديد من العلاجات المتاحة التي يمكن أن تساعدك على التعافي من مشاكل الصحة العقلية والعيش حياة طبيعية سعيدة.

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طريقة إستغلال الوقت فى شهر رمضان وتنظيم ساعات العملطريقة إستغلال الوقت فى شهر رمضان وتنظيم ساعات العمل

استغلال الوقت في شهر رمضان يجعلك تحقق تطورا نحو الإيمان والإنجاز شهر رمضان شهرٌ مباركٌ يُزخرُ بالخيرِ والبركات، يُتيحُ لنا فرصةً عظيمةً للتقربِ من اللهِ تعالى، وممارسةِ العباداتِ، وتصفيةِ النفسِ من شوائبِ الدنيا. لكن مع ضغوطِ الحياةِ اليوميةِ، قد يواجهُ البعضُ صعوبةً في استغلالِ وقتِ هذا الشهرِ الكريمِ بشكلٍ أمثل.

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